I write often about the web. Here's some stuff I've written:

A List Apart

  1. Designing for Research
  2. Considering How We Use HTTP/2
  3. Using HTTP/2 Responsibly: Adapting for Users


  1. Help Your Users `Save-Data`
  2. Using the Paint Timing API
  3. Musings on HTTP/2 and Bundling
  4. Brotli and Static Compression
  5. Creating a Cache-aware HTTP/2 Server Push Mechanism
  6. Using WebP Images
  7. `font-display` for the Masses

David Walsh Blog

  1. JPEG Compression with Guetzli

Google Web Fundamentals

  1. Adapting to Users with Client Hints
  2. Reduce JavaScript Payloads with Code Splitting
  3. Reduce JavaScript Payloads with Tree Shaking
  4. Assessing Loading Performance in Real Life with Navigation and Resource Timing
  5. Replace Animated GIFS with Video
  6. Delivering Fast and Light Applications with `Save-Data`*
  7. Lazy Loading Images and Video
  8. Why Performance Matters

Manning Publications

  1. Web Performance in Action

Net Magazine

  1. 4 Quick Image Optimization Tips
  2. 5 Tips for Super-fast CSS

Planet Performance

  1. 3 Tips for Faster Font Loading
  2. Speed vs. Speed to Market

Smashing Magazine

  1. A Comprehensive Guide to HTTP/2 Server Push
  2. Next Generation Server Compression with Brotli

* I was not the sole author of this article.

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